Work Is King

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How To Make Work Fun

Photo Courtesy of renjith krishnan|

Going to work can be a drag. You literally can feel weighed down and don’t even start talking about those Sunday evenings before the work week begin. 

Pure Terror! 

But what if you could make it a fun activity to do versus being closer aligned to going to the dentist? How can you make work fun? Start with yourself. I know what your thinking “Here we go with the touchy Feeley stuff”!

It Is All Up To You

I personally have worked in some of the craziest places and companies on the face of this earth. I will talk more about this later in my e-book, but with that said I often had to make up my mind that no matter what I encountered when I walked through the door that I would bring a positive attitude and go everywhere to have a good time.

Make Up Your Mind

I know it sounds crazy, but it works. When I went to work and had a "don’t want to be here attitude" and walked around feeling nauseous, then the day would drag on and I felt like I was being punished. However, when I started my day before I got there with an early workout and positive thinking session, my day just breezed by.

The work didn’t change.

The company didn’t change.

The people were still the same people.

What changed was ME.

So how do you make work fun? Start with being a fun person to be around. You will be amazed at how you will stop watching the clock and start being in the moment of where you are. Do you dread going into work every day? Tell me why and what do you do to get ready for the day.

Be Do Have!