Work Is King

Create A Lifestyle Where You Can Live & Work Authentically By Doing Work That You Love. Let's Go On This Journey Together!

This site explores tips, tools & information on career change and how to live more happy.

Filtering by Tag: motivation

How To Stop Feeling Drained and Tired

In my last post about focusing on self-improvement I mentioned a little comment that stated " But what if you are drained, tired and just don’t have any motivation left". I stopped to take a hard look at that thought. What if you are just plain tired and don't have anything left? How can you get across the finish line when there is no more energy to push you forward?


I have this problem quite regularly as I move toward accomplishing goals and I don't pretend to be a mental health professional. I just do certain things that work and maybe they will work for you.

Wake up early and Meditate-There is something to be said for being in a quiet room alone early in the morning and just taking in the stillness. I allow myself to just be without limitations.

Get Moving- I try to find some quick form of exercise like Zumba or even taking a quick walk outside or just do jumping jacks in the living room

Do Something Creative- We are all creative beings and the first portion of the day is a great time to release your inner artist and do something like writing or playing music to get energized.

These are not groundbreaking tips, but they work for me and keep me sane and on the path to success. What about you? What are some things that you do first thing in the morning to get yourself energized? Tell me in the comments below.

Be Do Have!


Go Your Own Way

Life is hard. Life is really hard when you are working at a company you dislike and doing a job your not passionate about. In one of my previous post I listed some steps you can take to remove yourself from a job you hate. But what do you do if you need to make a career change and start going toward a totally new direction? Here are 3 quick steps to try:

1. Join a professional organization

According to an article on if you have time to plan for your exit then seek out a professional organization within your chosen field and start networking. This will help you gain great insight into what the industry is about and make connections before you need them.

2. Find a Mentor 

It is easier to go down a road that you haven't traveled before if you can gain perspective from someone who has successfully been down that road. You can find a mentor via professional organizations or by joining mastermind groups on forums like

3. Find a Coach

Have you ever wanted to talk to someone who can help you sort out how to apply all the skills and knowledge that is on your resume? Perhaps you have no clue what your next step should be and you need the skill & expertise of a career coach. Well check out and browse through the list of career coaches to find the right one for you.

Life is pretty tough but what I have discovered is that if you press or "lean into it" with all that you have then you will see that you are much more tougher then your challenges. Are you inspired to go your own way? I was and continue to go left when the world says go right. What about you? Tell me which way you want to go and let's start the conversation.

Be Do Have!